My lovely wife gave me a Yeti Tundra Haul a few years ago for Christmas. It’s the Yeti with wheels. It’s a beautiful cooler. But it’s also big and heavy, and I was unsure I wanted it. I went back and forth, thinking about the amount of room it takes up in our house (we won’t be keeping a super-expensive cooler in the garage with all the spiders and heat and whatever else, will we?) versus hearing stories about how long it will keep ice (“and three days later . . . !”). I was also concerned that it wouldn’t fit in my tiny Chevy Bolt.

Well, I kept it, and I have been very happy with it. It holds a lot of stuff. This makes it ridiculously heavy when full, but it really does seem to keep ice for a long time. And it fits (barely) in my tiny Chevy Bolt.
One of the other reasons I kept it was that I had seen friends with Yeti coolers, and they all had a wire dry goods basket in the inside of the cooler. Yeah, it comes with the cooler, they would say proudly. Awesome. When we go camping, I’m usually worried on day two about seeing a half-used bacon package bobbing up and down in the mix of water and semi-melted ice, contaminating the beer. I looked at these friends with their dry goods baskets, and I was envious.
Hence, I was excited about having a metal rack in my new Yeti cooler. Yet, the Tundra Haul not only doesn’t come with a wire basket, Yeti doesn’t even make a wire dry goods basket for the Haul.